Tuesday, May 27, 2008

REVIEW: Jigsaw Health Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that basically are all over the place, including out guts. Having these beneficial guys helps keep the pathogenic ones at bay. The article I did for Natural Health on fermented foods showed how ancient people got their probiotics from food.

But like so much in our modern life, our food is so processed--as is the soil--so these naturally occurring probiotics aren't as numerous as they should be. To get benefits from probiotics, especially if you aren't a big kimchi orkefir fan, you may wish to take a supplement. And if you're going on a course of antibiotics, it's always a good idea to supplement with probiotics.

I really like Jigsaw Health's Essential Blend Probiotics, among other things because they don't have a lot of weird fillers and because they actually contain a human strain of probiotics, which is pretty hard to find.

Probiotics in general may help:

  • Restore balance of essential friendly bacteria after antibiotic use.
  • Alleviate digestive disorders.
  • Enhance synthesis of B-vitamins.
  • Absorb calcium, copper, iron, and magnesium.
  • Protect against bacterial irritations.
  • Ease yeast infections.
  • Improve lactose intolerance.
  • Improve immune function.


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Thanks for posting this. I currently use Jarrow (brand) probiotics and searching for something more effective

  2. Take control of your health, first identify the problem with professional lab tests online, then start feeling better with high quality natural health remedies and nutritional supplements.

  3. Oh, those are great probiotics. I'm out of them right now, but from many of the brands that I have tried, Jigsaw has the best.
