When are they going to stop putting chemicals in everything??
Anyway, I had been feeling like wearing contacts a lot is not so natural. Turns out there are some possible hazards of contacts: From Natural News:
(NaturalNews) Those that wear contact lenses should be aware of important information that can help protect the eyes from permanent damage. There is mounting evidence that contact wearers should give their eyes some time away from contacts. The conventional wisdom is that people can wear contact lenses for 12-14 hours per 24 hour period but that once a week the eyes should have a rest from contact lenses. Experts agree that if contacts are worn for over 16 hours a day every day that eyes may become starved of oxygen. This means that over the long term the cornea could lose its transparency.
If the eyes do not get enough oxygen, tiny blood vessels in the eyes will start to become more apparent and new ones will develop. One of the concerning aspects about these blood vessels growing on the eye is that there typically will not be any outward symptoms of this occurring. It is a good idea to have your eyes examined regularly while wearing contacts so that if this occurs it can be monitored.
read more here.
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Rick Park (KoreanESL.com@gmail.com)
You should receive a prize for writing such an entertaining article. Or at least a well deserved round of applause.
Thanks for raising awareness on this matter.
I've heard that this kind of problems don't appear only at cheap contact lenses, but at expensive ones as well.
Indeed, these things can become really dangerous for our health. Contact lenses should be handled carefully.
You're right! I wish I had read this or heard about it ahead of time... I, too, was only able to read the sign after buying the eyeglasses: Crizal with Scotchguard... I have now broken out on my neck and forehead and my eyes are red and scratchy... Don't know what to do... Wear them or go back to my old until I can get different ones... I don't think they'll return them as I had everything done to them... :(
My optician actually had the lenses reground for free...you should ask!
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