Tuesday, May 13, 2008

REVIEW: Terracycle Plant Food

Terracycle plant food has totally charmed the FertlityBitch. Not only is their stuff made from non toxic worm poops, but they re-use old soda bottles and things by merely refilling, instead of something having to go thru the energy-intensive recycling process. How cool is that?

Plus, the stuff works. I even had a live worm in my Terrcycle potting soil that had been outside all winter. When I lived in NYC, I desperately tried growing stuff in my tiny window and I wish I had this. The food kept my herbs happy all winter long and I even coaxed a berry out of my dormant strawberry plant.

You can get this at Whole Foods--and start bugging your local Home Depot to expand their choices! Scott's (who makes Miracle-Gro) unfairly tried to sue Terracycle for some copyright infringement over "similar" colors in their packaging--imagine, using the color GREEN for their packaging!

Help keep this small and earth-mindful company afloat!

Scotts/Miracle-Gro sues Terracycle.

Scotts Miracle-Gro conducting a recall of four pesticides that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 alleges were unregistered, falsely and misleadingly labeled, or both.