Sunday, April 01, 2007

Op-Ed in the Washington Post

Hi folks,

Did you know Seventeen Magazine actually used to be somewhat "green" in the old days? Check it out. I also mention another green blogger, Miranda, at the Green Goddess Gazette--she wrote an article on the biosphere for them!

Check out Magazine That Became Only Skin Deep here.

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Miranda said...

That piece was great. Just to clarify, I once wrote a piece for Seventeen on Biosphere 2, an experiment in the Arizona desert, that didn't wind up getting published. However, they used to have an environment department called "Earth Talk" that I wrote a couple items for. I also published an article on how cigarette manufacturers were marketing to teenagers. Yep, you don't see that sort of thing in teen mags any more...

GreenFertility said...

Oooh, the good ol' days...