Monday, November 20, 2006

ADA admits I'm not so weird after all

Okay, as you know I've been a nut about decrying flouride...but looky here, the ADA (American Dental Assn) has reversed its position...actually agreeing with the FertilityBitch who definitely thinks the pregnant ladies and the little ones need to stay away from flouride like THE PLAGUE. Interim Guidance on Fluoride Intake for Infants and Young Children: "Recent studies cited in the report of the National Research Council (NRC), “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards,” have raised the possibility that infants could receive a greater than optimal amount of fluoride through liquid concentrate or powdered baby formula that has been mixed with water containing fluoride during a time that their developing teeth may be susceptible to enamel fluorosis."

Flourosis is not only unsightly (this happened in our town when they--oops!--overflouridated the water and people got huge brown splotches, or like me, a few teeny white ones), flouride can displace calcium in the enamel, and, guess what, weaken the tooth! A little counter productive?

Plus, flouride is a neurotoxin and carcinogen. Yes, we've all been trained to think it's okay if not healthy (like the ads with the doctors claiming smoking is good for you, as long as you smoke their brand) because it's in everything--water, bottled water, toothpaste, dentists' offices, fertilizer. But just because it's around and takes on what Rachel Carson calls "the safe aspect of the familiar" doesn't mean it's safe. Anyone who grew up in the 1950s probably remembers how it was a neighborhood amusement to run after the DDT truck while it was spraying.

If you want to learn more about how this surplus chemical left over from WWII became part of our water supply and our bodies, check out these previous posts:

Flouride, a Bummer

Flouride, a Bummer Part II


GreenFertility said...

You, too!

Anonymous said...

Oy, I'm way into being green, but isn't enough that you've taken my deodorant away ;) Actually, it's true. Since your last post on deodorant I've been deodorant free! Now toothpaste? What in the world am I supposed to do? I'm a little freaked out!

Yes, a happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope it is a delicious one!


Lynn said...

Fluoride is evil? Oh man, I really need to do some research. At least now I can sneer at toothpaste ads here.

GreenFertility said...

Ladies, ladies,

No one NEEDS toothpaste. A little baking soda...for a taste treat, try some Xylitol. Taste like sugar but actually kills bacteria in the mouth...

Anonymous said...

That line about the DDT trucks. Wow! did that really happen? so crazy...

As far as the flouride thing-our dentist prescribed flouride pills for my daughter when she was 3. I never filled it. I knew about the whole debate and read both sides and didn't know what to do-but my gut said- NO!
I think it is hard and sometimes scary to make decisions when your doctor tells you something is safe and your child needs it.

GreenFertility said...

Hi Danielle,

One of my best friends attributes his asthma from running thru the DDT clouds in Korea. Bill Bryson, in all his books about groiwng up in the 50s mentions the fun DDT truck several times!